Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

He has told you he thinks your attractive and unique. He has shown interest in your poems and songs, and he has invited you to get to know his friends at lunch. Heck even if he didn't like you, you could do a lot worse with a guy like that. I would assume that he likes you and continue to be friendly towards him. Eat lunch with him. Thank him for compliments. Don't worry about the fact that he is friendly and talks to other girls. You don't want to control him, or change him, or monopolize him right? So don't be bothered by that. Allow him to be the popular friendly guy he is and to also show you special attention as long as you want it from him. Tell him there is this movie you would love to see this weekend but your girlfriend (or cousin or sister???) flaked on you. Maybe if you leave that comment hanging in the air while smiling at him he will ask if he can take you.

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