Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is this bump on my cat's nose?

It might be a little mole, or a cancerous bump. watch it and if it get's colored differently or bigger, take her to the vet ASAP

How long after being circumcised can you continue to take part in masturbation, physically.?

i tried today after being circumcised 10 days ago, i was very careful though not to hurt myself, every now and then i felt like i could be able to come then it went away again very soon, i wasnt feeling the usual great sensation although i was being extremely careful and had my hand at the begining on my penis near my stomach so when i push forward and pull back it doesnt stretch where the skin had stitched. do you think once the stitches have completely gone and im 100% healed up i can start masturbation in the proper way and i will be able to *** properly? also when i gave up and my penis went flacid again a small bit of *** came out of then end, as if it was struggling to come out when i was erect why is this? and it was clear, my *** was never clear before i got circumcised. also unlinke before my penis feels heavy when i have an erection so if i have a ***** and stand up it quickly comes out of the ***** due to the weight of it but before i could easily walk around with a ***** and it would stay uprigh, is this because of the stitches holding the shaft skin ti the shaft? thanks for your help, please no nobs saying ive made a mistage geting circumcised, it was medical.

Why is my friend acting this way?

I have a friend who acts very strangely. She's 11 and acts like a five-year-old. She does really well in school and she's really smart. But when it's not school, she talks about weird stuff. She thinks fire-breathing squirrels are gonna take over the world and eat her pillow. She "didn't know" cows ate grass. She didn't know penguins have tails. She talks about waffles. A lot. My only guess is that she really needs attention. But why? What does it matter? There are more reasons, but these are the main things. I'm really concerned about her cuz I'm scared that she might have a mental disorder or something. Um... I just need some opinions here if you think she should visit a psychologist or what you think might be wrong with her. Thanks!

Could you read these words and comment?

No, its not finished. Start with evening the lines in beats. You have some awkward phrasing (welcome to the club): 'for it is I to', 'so long have I for to rest' for example. Not too sold on your third stanza. Nice build up to it though. If you want the ending couplet to stand and say you're gone, then maybe more of the reasoning why in the third, unless I am reading it wrong.

What may be causing this sharp pain in my leg?

Since you work out alot,you have probably pull a muscle.It should go away after a few days,and if not,see a doctor.When it finally heals,stretch before you work out,and it helps alot.

I don't want something serious, yet...!?

As deep as the Ocean, Just be yourself and if you feel like kissing a guy one at a time OK, or your grounded.

I went and had an orgy and it turned out really bad help?

6 guys and me work in an office, i am an attractive 23 year girl and have six handsome confident men working next to me all day, i do drive them crazy on purpose by wearing perfume and low cut skirts, but the other night we all went for drinks and we all got drunk, the manager booked a motel room and ordered a curry for everyone and we had bottles of pina coladas after we ate we then had sex. all six men were on me and i let the guys do what they wanted with me, problem is one of the guys who was very big decided to give me anal, while i held the others in my hands, mouth and vagina, the guy giving me anal was fine but he pulled out too fast and i ended up sprayying the room with diaorrea I speaded it everywhere and since then i have had to work in the same office with everyone treating me strangely? help what do I do? i earn alot and do not want to quit!

Is this a sonnet of sorts?

yes it is a sonnet , because it has 10 syllables per line (except for the 1st) and 14 lines , and the last two lines are a couplet . the rhyme scheme is also abab-cdcd-efef-gg .

Help I can't write poems!?

ok so I need to write a sonnet for my english class about a challenge in my life, I'm thinking of doing it about the time I learned how to play the guitar. I just have no idea how to come up with good rhyming sentences.. So if you play the guitar or your just good at writing poems could you help me out a little. thanks :)

Does anyone know any websites/artists that will make/paint/print something onto canvas exactly how i want it?

I want to get my friend for his birthday a personalised canvas print/painting of yoshimitsu from tekken but im struggling to find anywhere that i believe will do a great job and do it exactly how i want it.

My troubled step son?

if hes like i was i wanted my parents to get back to gather but instead of step mom i had a step dad and i started make really bad choices i stoped going to school hanging out instead selling dope to get money then got arrested for like 7 ounces of pot im still trying to fix my life 9 years later dont let him mess up like i did just try to gain his trust and work from there

Dating a non believer?

Everyone has their view on dating a non-believer. I am a christian and to me 2Cor. 6:14 is a struggle for me. Do we just show kindness and love to the non-believer? I understand, that people can corrupt good character. If you are a strong enough christian would you not stand up against it and lead the person who is not saved to the lord? What is the big problem there? I know it would not be easy. Just a thought that seems to be on my mind.

Shakespeare sonnet for teenage girl!!!!!!?

help please! I need a shakespearean sonnet asap. I already need to know sonnet 29, so not that one. I need to be able to relate to it! thanks!

I need advice, quickly please?

My name is Tyler... I'm 25 and I currently work at Wal-Mart in the clothing department. Sure, it's not the most glamorous job, but I'm doing my best. I've been struggling with this ever since middle school to be honest. I need your help, now more then ever. A few months back, a new guy started working here in the same department. He's the first openly gay person I've met, and I can't stop thinking about him. I've been having these kind of crushes and "problems" ever since first grade at the least when I had a crush on a boy. I'm so embaressed. My parents and entire family are devout Christians... and they aren't exactly "open" to my feelings. I don't really have any friends, and as I said, talking to my parents is out of the question until I fess up to them. I need to tell my parents that I am, putting it blatantly, gay. I've been putting this off since High School when I finally came to terms with who I am. I need advice on how to do it though... and I also need advice on how to ask this guy out. Please. All I'm asking for is advice.

What is a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet?

im doing this thing for school i have to write poems well i need to write a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet but the thing is i have no idea if each one needs to rhyme, have a pattern of beats, purpose, and how long they need to be please help

This guy isn't answering?

He seems interested.. (uh keeps saying lets meet up) but strangely he isn't answering my call or texts at the moment. Guys.. do you sometimes get very shy and don't answer. I've dne that and I have also ignored because I did not want to see such person at the time. Its very rude to leave people hanging.. but anyway, I like to know why you did it.

The Man who Challenged the Quran?

With a death threat anyone will withdraw. Hail Greet Wilders he has exposed you'll and you can do nothing. If anyone who challenged the quran was changed then Greet would have been a muslim by now but you'll cannot challenge what he says so you'll gave him a death threat. Hirsi has also met with the same fate.

Book list that needs titivating :)?

I've heard that the #1 book to read when hoping to improve vocabulary is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

What kind of poem is this? Free Verse or Sonnet? ?

Free verse. A sonnet has a specific meter and every other line least in elizabethan sonnets. It would also have a couplet at the end if it were a sonnet. Either way, this is definitely free verse because it has little to no "structure" or consistancy.

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

He has told you he thinks your attractive and unique. He has shown interest in your poems and songs, and he has invited you to get to know his friends at lunch. Heck even if he didn't like you, you could do a lot worse with a guy like that. I would assume that he likes you and continue to be friendly towards him. Eat lunch with him. Thank him for compliments. Don't worry about the fact that he is friendly and talks to other girls. You don't want to control him, or change him, or monopolize him right? So don't be bothered by that. Allow him to be the popular friendly guy he is and to also show you special attention as long as you want it from him. Tell him there is this movie you would love to see this weekend but your girlfriend (or cousin or sister???) flaked on you. Maybe if you leave that comment hanging in the air while smiling at him he will ask if he can take you.

Why can't I spin? Is it because of my blades? ?

I am a freestyle 3 jumper, and I am still struggling with a two foot spin. I am working on my entrance to my scratch spin as well as endlessly trying to go more than 3 times around on a two foot spin. I never ever can keep centered, I always travel, can't balance and am almost completely on my toepick. I just can't stay balanced and I can't just can't find the sweet spot. I just get so stressed and upset about it- I have been skating for more than three years and I still can't do it. (I only do one half hour lesson a week so we progress mom doesn't want us to do more because the nearest rinks a half hour away.) the skates I have now are riedell 133 TS. They come with blades and I just feel like the skates and blades are too low for where I am (I had another post about my skates and people said I should get better ones). But would better blades really help, or is it just me? Any spinning tips are much appreciated. It really just makes me want to quit because I get so frustrated.

The theme today if effortless thin sonnets. C/C?

You have accomplished your goal of a 'thin' sonnet. Including errors like extra beats and rhymes un-rhymed. But I must give you credit, you only used 'the' 3 times and it looks like you didn't need one.

Help with a kidnap scene?

OMG!!! that was awsome! what were you talking about you wrote the whole scene just then? but if you are trying to figure out where to go from could have her wake and see who her kidnapper is, or you can have her wake all alone and scared. But just keep going with what you got! you're doing fine! But a hint of advice try to think of how you would feel if it were you in that situation and how would you react or feel.

I still like this girl but I don't really like her anymore.?

So I've never ever felt like I really really like a girl, I just like them and we just act like friends. But last school year, I met this girl and I really liked her. I have never felt like that before, and at one point I think I may have even almost loved her. Yes, I know I'm too young for that, but, I really couldn't help myself. I really liked the girl. Anyway, I'm like 99 percent sure she also liked me, and we would hug like everyday and stuff like that. However, one day, when our band when to this music camp, she started acting strangely. She kept hanging out with this guy a grade above her, and she was literally with him the whole time. I was kinda wondering what the heck was going on, and I was also really jealous already. Then, the last day of that camp, they were holding hands. So obviously, I was REALLY upset. Before the concert that the girl and I had, the girl and guy were sitting next to each other. I was sitting behind them, feeling all gloomy. So since I was sad, I seeked help from the only person that knew who I liked that time, which was this girl named Erica. And I told a few people that the girl was dating the guy, even though they didn't know I liked her, which they probably did anyway, or found out during that conversation. After that weekend, the girl seemed mad at me. She would not talk to me at ALL. Well, I later found out the reason was because I was telling people about the whole holding hands and stuff like that. Well, I was kinda sad, but later I found out it was kinda ridiculous for her to be mad at me for that. She did that a other few times to me, maybe four or something, and I started to ignore her. Each day after that, I disliked her more and more. And I completely ignored her. She started to ignore me, too. About 2 weeks ago I found out why she was ignoring me. She thought I hated her (which I might have), so she wanted to ignore me 'cause she didn't want trouble. Even though I dislike her now, I have always liked her. There's always this part of my body that will like her, but the other part, I don't like her anymore. Well, I kinda need to move on, and I still like her like I said. And I'm kinda thinking I'm an idiot for ignoring her 'cause I feel like this is my fault. All I'm asking you answerers is how should I deal with this, on a scale from 1-10 how idiotic I am, and you can add other information. Thanks ):

Does a 'Sonnet' poem's last two lines have to rhyme with each other?

Does the last two lines in a sonnet poem have to rhyme with each other or can it be an approximate rhyme? Like, for an example say the scheme is ababcdcdefefgg. When I get to the last two lines (gg) can I say 'gone' and 'alone'? And are those approximate rhymes? My dad says they are, but I'm not sure.

I need of a decent book - website genorator?

I read a lot of books, but I have read about 3 or 4 books in the last year that I loved so much I am struggling to find any thing I want to read. Does any one know if of a website where you can type in books you have loved and it reccomends one to you?

Would i make a good teacher (characteristics?)?

Working with children, it's either love or hate, there isn't any in between. You either love it or hate it! Also, the term "bratty" is quite telling as to how you feel about this. Sure, kids have bad days, but us teachers that truly love our jobs, don't use that term.

Both sonnets and haiku are examples of which type of poetry?

You might be looking for the term "formal verse." That's often used just for poems that use rhyme and/or meter, a definition which applies to sonnets but not to haiku. But it can be stretched to include any kind of poetry that isn't "free verse," any kind of poetry with specific rules, like the syllable-count rules for haiku.

What could be wrong with my ring finger?

On Sunday, I slammed it in the pantry door. It hurt really bad, and was red. I put a bag of frozen vegetables on it, and I rinsed it with hot and cold water. Today it doesn't hurt but it moves strangely, and my pinky and middle finger surrounding it is tingling. I'm not sure what to do, I've damaged the nerves in both pinkies on my hands before, and I did the buddy wrap.

What do you think of the sonnet I wrote?

Ha I don't really appreciate you putting the link for this on my question while NOT ANSWERING IT, but I have to admit you're a talented writer and I enjoyed the rhythm of your sonnet. It flowed well. Next time don't use my question as an advertising vessel please! Well done. :3

Whatd does it mean to have sex with another girl?

i am a girl & i'm 17 yrs old. i am straight & i have a bf! so lately i have been havin these dreams with other grls. i'm always havin sex wit them & strangely i enjoy it (in the dream)! what does it mean?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Drove through puddle, car behaving strangely?

I drove through a puddle today, wasnt too deep, just enough to slow it down. But then going around a roundabout straight after it was a little sluggish getting around in 3rd gear. Then i parked at the shops and left the stereo on as y sister went and got something. It started fine. then going up a hill just after it lost all power in 3rd and 2nd, no revs at all, so had to go up in 1st. i then stopped and i was idling just under its normal idle rev count and was shaking like it does when it is about to stall, havent tried to start it for a few hours. it is still raining, will it be ok to get home? and will i be ok in general? does it just need to dry out? rev it out next time i start?

Does poverty breed racism?

The minorities are more likely to be blamed for troubles whether race, the colour of your skin or sexuality. Poverty along with other factors such as lack of education may play a part in producing stereotypes that lead to racist thoughts.

Is this true about the Earth becoming unstable?

The Earth has never been stable. It has had earthquakes and volcanic eruptions ever since it formed a solid crust. It goes through periodic spurts of activity and then times of relative calmness. Before you over react to the article, you need to study a bit about Geology. Educated people, and I mean real science knowledge - not like the whack jobs in that news article - are not concerned with the nature of the Earth. It is definitely not humanities "fault".

I need an example of motifs!?

I need to write a sonnet for english and I need to include two motifs. I want to write the sonnet about volleyball, so if you could give me a motif about that, but I will take all examples! thank you so much!!!

Why is my mouse acting strangely?

My mouse has been super hyper and active for the past 2 days, she's rearranged her cage and is making high pitched trilling squeaks. I put a new mouse in the cage but took him out about 3 hours later because neither of my current mice liked him. Could that have anything to do with it? Could she be sick?

How can I block a specific persons status updates and always appear online to that person?

I have an ex who I still speak too, but I am struggling getting over. I don't want to delete her from Facebook. because she has done me no wrong, and I think in the future we could be friends, but right now Its very difficult. So all I want to do is make it so I don't see her status updates and that I always appear offline to her. How do I go about doing that?

Is it weird that i want friendship with my ex?

So she broke up with me about 9 months ago now and i've been over her for quite some time, recently ive been wanting to contact her just to get friendly. We used to be close even b4 the relationship. I'm over her, i know in my heart i dont love her anymore and couldnt take her back, but strangely enough i feel like seeing/talking to her... is it odd that i want to be friends with my ex again?


not really sure on the ins and outs of this book. to be sure. is there any chance that you could explain the poem. thanks. would be very grateful!

How can I take my sonnets to the next level?

Sonnets require extreme precision. You've got the basic idea, but your rhymes are not very well thought out and your scansion is weak. The first, fourth, and final line are the only ones in good iambic pentameter, and if you're not going to use I/P in a sonnet you might as well be writing free verse. Also, note that in a sonnet the focus falls on the closing couplet. It should "inform" the rest of the poem rather than simply re-stating a theme. A good sonnet reads like a riddle. Also, the closing couplet ABSOLUTELY has to rhyme. "Other" and "lover" don't. Keep at it.

How to stop being shy ... ?

This extreme shyness is making me feel out of place , It all started when my father died 4 years ago don't know what happend to me really before it happen I talk like any average person . This shyness of mine is also making me struggle in school too , I talk to low , I can't do presentations right or I walk away from it due to me being scared to death , I don't know what to say a girl etc. I just wan't this curse to be banished . Please helps !!!

Obese person looking for some help?

Well I am obese and I weigh 325 pounds. I am 21 years old and obesity has ruined my social life. Me being obese makes me so sad. I also struggle with emotional eating-really badly. this has been a problem of mine for the longest time and I want to change my life. At times I don't even want to go outside because some people can be so rude. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad for me, I am just seeking for advice. I have suffered for too long being obese and I would finally like to try to change myself. I also have low self esteem due to my obesity and just don't feel good about myself. the hard thing Is me trying to avoid junk food and STICK with my weight loss goals. can you please help me? I am In need of all the help and advice I can get....

What do these 2 long vivid dreams mean?

Those 2 dreams are the reflexion of 2 big goals in your life . First one ;; is loosing weight and looking good ; second one having a bf

Does anybody recognize this poem/sonnet?

Basically long time ago in english class we had a book filled with poetry and sonnets and one of them has always influenced my thoughts on politics basically it went along the lines of a man sitting at home with his yams, the first day a van arrives taking away his neighbors but he was safe okay and had his yams, the second day they came for his friend, but he was okay and safe and had his yams and it goes on until eventually they knock on his door

What can I do to find the right person, my confidence is slipping?

bro im 22 and was married and now divorced, think of women later its much cheaper that way! or go to a rave theres a ton of horny women there lol

Why does this girl bother the hell out of me?

This girl when I first met her stalked me.And she would annoy me for no reason and say it was fun.And she would tease me.And she would just be weird.She liked clung to me like tape.Like once you talk to her she never shuts up.I feel bad.Does she like me or something? Because I threatened to tell on her because she wouldn't leave me alone once.And she got really scared.And I didn't.Also her friends and her act real silly around me sometimes.And she and her friends used to be mean to me.And now strangely they're nice to me.Idk why.Does this girl like me or something?

Should sec. Clinton be removed from her position dealing with other countries as she thought she got shot at?

Well heck yes, her bullets over bosnia, that little skit she did was just another lie our politicians do best............and boy can she lie!! she has been lying for many years now, along with that hill/billy she has for a husband, She is the bad broad of DC..............Pelosi is the madam, reid is the idiot, and barney is the fluffy suck your thumb bad boy!!! and fineswine(another liar) is miss piggy!! they can all join the DC follies along with newest member the cell porn star....Oh yes and they are all democrats,,,,,,,,,,,,,OOPS!!! almost forgot that one.........Hope all you Americans out there, are all proud of your brood...................

UGH I SUCK at riding???me venting.........?

You own a horse, and ride 3-4+ times a week?!! That all wouldn't happen if you weren't an a mazing rider, with loads of motivation! Dont be so hard on yourself! So what if you cant get one little move! You'll get it soon with all the motivation you have! Dont give up!! you worked very hard for all this! Dont just let it fall!

Why did Shakespeare number his sonnets? What do they indicate/represent?

Why did he number his sonnets? And say if he numbered it sonnet 18 or something, what does that mean? Does it mean its like the 18th one he wrote? Thanks!

Any help on writting a sonnet?

I need to write a sonnet as Juilet explaining my relationship with Romeo or Vice versa. Can any one help with this!?

Thoughts?!?! ANY?!?!?!?

What was What was William Shakespeare's mos influential play(s) and/or sonnet(s) besides Macbeth? What is your opinion?

Why am I reacting so strangely to a google search?

maybe it just acted as a catalyst and triggered of the tears you needed to shed about something else??

Am i bipolar(manic depressive)?

It seems to be really bugging you :/ Maybe you could be put on an antipsychotic medicine, it helps with mood swings like that.... it can be used for being bipolar too of course. Thats the best advice i can give you, but hopefully things will clear up and you will be able to know what is wrong. Good luck~

What are some strong words that rhyme with skin?

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I want to become an actress. Please help?

Hello, my name is brittany and i'm 15. I want to become an actress, not for the fame, money, or none of that crap. I want to becnme an actress because i feel like i have talent, and i want to show off my talent. Its been my dream since i was younger to become an actress, and everyday there's this voice that i hear telling me that im suppose to be a actress, and thats my destiny. Problem is, my family is struggling at the moment, and i dont have the money for a acting coach, or agent, or nothing. I did hear something about Drama universities and i would like to attend there in the near future but i dont know if Georgia or Florida has any. So if you could help me with that, that would be helpful. back to the acting, i feel i can really do this, and everybody says i have the potential but i dont know where to begin. When you answer this question please give me some really good answers and not just 3 sentence answers. Im really serious about this and want this very badly so i would love you guys help. Thank you

Plz help me to out of this problem?though it is a big story just help me kind hearted guys?

your relation in not confirmed yet by your saying, you have to confirm about this relation without wasting any more time, what do you want to tell her do it in no time. unless you will loose your temper and time without gaining anything and you will be a looser.

Why my internet connection acts strangely?

I think this problems occurs due to poor net connectivity because as you told your system configuration it was good, but may be your internet service provider didn't give you better service so you face these problems. Either change your connection to Airtel or Tata or put a complaint. On the other hand you may also format your windows before change the Internet Provider. Please do not update latest versions of Mozilla as they crash more frequently, this is my personal experience. I always use mozilla 3.0 and disabled its updates. Try these options may be your query will solve.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What branch requires more thoughness than Intelligence?

I am a sophomore in high school! And I'm planning on joining the military. I am one of those guys who's really tough, but not as much intelligence. My goal is to become one of the best and join the Special Forces. I could probably make it through physically, but I would struggle intelligently. Is there a unit or something that would be perfect for people like me?

Tips on being more feminine?

I want to be more feminine but not completely go out of my way. I'm strangely obsessed with baseball and I don't do much with my hair besides the occasionally straightening it or a braid. I hate pink, I hate wearing skirts and only wear dresses for special occasions. Like I said, I don't want to completely change my likes, dislikes and my character but I want to add a bit more feminine touch to myself. By the way, I already wear makeup. What else should I do?

Do some names ever make you think of certain colours?

You have Synesthesia, but in a milder form since you aren't actually seeing the colors. I also have a mild form because each name "feels" a certain way (spongey, sharp, silky, etc.). It was only until recently believed to be a mild psychosis, but it is now known that it's a sensory overlap in the brain.

Getting back together for the kids- Military?

I have an incredible friend who is torn right now. He left his 12 year marriage 5 years ago to be with another woman. (Not me, I am just his friend) but they broke up last year. He stayed very close with his 3 daughters aged now 8-13, and friendly now with his ex wife. (they never divorced due to military benefits) the issue is now, he is seriously considering reconciling with his ex wife, living together as a family for the sake of the girls- but not 'together' (he said that part of the marriage is dead and buried.) I want him to seek therapy- as does he, but due to his very senior ranking in the military it is not possible for him to seek therapy without it potentially tarnishing his record. He is suffering with doubt and confusion as he adores his daughters, and is concerned that him not living with them will damage them in the future, as well as the fact they do not have a Dad in their day to day life. The Mum has not re partnered, and is obviously open to the idea of reconciling 'for the kids'. Obviously I do not know the nitty gritty, but he is really struggling, and I am hoping someone out there can help, as he needs it. Even another voice and opinion, as he has no one to discuss this with, and has little experience with divorce etc. I have plenty of opinions on the matter, growing up as a child of divorce, as well as being divorced and having a grown child. Again, I am not vested in this situation, from a romantic viewpoint, he is my friend, I just want him to be happy, and I do not think he can see straight regarding the matter, and my personal opinion is that he could do more damage going back, having the girls have him, seeing a loveless marriage and him possibly leaving again> Thoughts, much appreciated, from all viewpoints. FYI- the girls are being beautifully raised, provided for etc and are very well adjusted, and he sees them as much as humanly possible- between missions etc.

Sonnet 55 questions..can you help me with them ?

He's trying to immortalize his love in the poem, at least until Judgement Day when they will arise and there won't be a need for the poem.

Inexperienced in the bedroom - is this sort of thing common?

Oh, Mister Jimmy ji! You is just veddy bad in the bed and needs lessons! Okay, I am educated (harvard, etc) Hindu lady and know much about how to do the kama sutra style lovemakings for many hours and can teaches you all but I just need visa to come to America just send to me in Calcutta and I come to you and helps you learn to use lingam and makes girlfriend puni happy!

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

It is kind of hard to tell whether or not he is into you. But song writing is very romantic so who knows. He probably does like u though. Cause he wants to spend his free time with you. And maybe write a really good song for him, who knows. He might have wanted to ask u out, but it is hard to tell. Just spend more time with him, and show him the real you. Good luck! :)

I have depression please help?

I cant say I fully understand your situation..I have felt depression and a sense of enclosement in a city. But mine is much parent is often over protective and my dad doesnt live with me, I take care of everybody in my house and I wish to leave as soon as possible..but all I could possibly say is, find doesnt have to be religious just look at your future goal, envision it, see it, and most importnantly want it more than anything..You cant do much, you're young and you must try to live with what you have until you can leave. So stay strong, keep up, and hopefully you find some good in the message I give to you :)

Obese person looking for some help?

Well I am obese and I weigh 325 pounds. I am 21 years old and obesity has ruined my social life. Me being obese makes me so sad. I also struggle with emotional eating-really badly. this has been a problem of mine for the longest time and I want to change my life. At times I don't even want to go outside because some people can be so rude. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad for me, I am just seeking for advice. I have suffered for too long being obese and I would finally like to try to change myself. I also have low self esteem due to my obesity and just don't feel good about myself. the hard thing Is me trying to avoid junk food and STICK with my weight loss goals. can you please help me? I am In need of all the help and advice I can get....

Do you think this sounds like it will work out?

it sounds good but apt can be real expensive. and you also need food, lights water and gas and renters insurance. you may want a room mate or a effenice.

I am half peruvian and strangely i have quite fair skin - help!?

When i tell people that i am peruvian they accuse me of lieing!! ( which has ruined my reputation at high school! ) What should i do or say? Help!

Can't stop staring at people. OCD/Social anxiety, both?

I always feel really awkward when people stare at me on buses and trains so I can understand where your coming from.. You should just try looking out the window and letting your mind go, but keep the window as a visual barrier for where you cant look past..

Despite the fact that the Pandavas had Krishna's blessings, why were they humiliated in the Mahabharata?

You have to remember Krishna was not always a divinity and often reverted to his thought processes of when he was a butter thief.

Is the iliad a really long sonnet?

Hi there-- it's cool that you are interested in the Iliad and the you know that a sonnet has 14 lines. The Iliad is an epic poem, and no, it's not a sonnet. You can find examples of sonnets and a copy of the Iliad online or at your local library. It's hard to believe that the entire Iliad was memorized and recited to audiences. Enjoy.

What should be expected with pomeranian-chug puppies?

Approximately 4 or 5 weeks ago, my family inherited a female tan chug and a male chocolate Pomeranian, both fully grown. Last week we noticed that the Chug was looking a bit rounder and that she was acting really strangely when people would try to pick her up (contrary to before, when all she wanted to do was be held). We took her to the vet because we read online that pugs, let alone chugs, have a hard time giving birth and can have many complications. All he really told us was that she was definitely pregnant and that it may be possible for her to give birth to the pups naturally. I've searched online for any information on Pom-Chug mixes but nothing has really turned up. What should we be expecting with these puppies?

Should I tell The husband of the 3 year affair I had with his wife?

I had an affair for 3 years with this amazing woman. We shared so much together and were very happy. We had a physical relationship for 3 years including 3 miscarriages and dealt with alot of pain. Back in March she decided to get divorced first before we are to continue our relationship. Needless to say it's been 3 months and she's still with him and on FB he's acting like nothing happened. Both of their status state married but I'm confused on why she's still there. She's text me only 3 times since the breakup, all times she said she's always thinking of me and misses me. But like I said she has marries and he has it as well and the have posted pics of them supposedly being happy. I know during our 3 year affair she only saw him as a friend and only married him outbox college because they were good friends. She's told me repeatedly that I have her heart and that no one will ere love her like I did. So what do I do people? Any advice would be appreciated. I'm angry and just want to tell him all about the 3 years because I know she's not told him and I want him to know. On the other hand I still love her and want her in my life. But after 3 years together and 3 miscarriages, there's some serious emotions involved and I'm struggling mighty with it. I just need advice. I'm single and not wanting anyone but her, but not sure if waiting for her to leave will ever happen. How does a woman do what she's done and leave me with heartache? Any suggestions or anything? Should I tell him?

Would a painting of the twin towers that's dated a year before September 11th be valuable?

I know that many street artists do skyline paintings, and oil works, and unfortunately I can't make out the authors initials but its dated 2000, and strangely enough, it has the statue of liberty,an airplane and a nypd helicopter in the picture too. Would this be worth taking to an art museum for more information or should I just attempt to pawn it off? Thanks for the help guys!

He figured out my love poem was for him!?

Beautiful poem : ) and no your poem doesn't state that you like him because it could be about anybody

Is my brother suffering from depression?

if you are still in education please talk to ur school teachers about his behavior. im worried about ur brother too. maybe u could go talk to ur docter and see what they advise in order to help him. i dont want ur brother going down the route ur mother took. i wish u luck

How do you live with a husband you did not choose?

Get a divorce, or at least get away. This controlling behavior shouldn't be tolerated, husband or not. You two didn't pick each other. he should have no say in how you dress or what you do.

I just finished 10th grade and i have a gpa of 3.5 is that good enough to get into a good university?

I'm not really sure what type of University you're lookin at. Harvard, probably not. Harvard probably requires a 4.0 or really close and really active in stuff. Most public state universities are pretty easy to get into if your GPA is above 2.6 or something. So you are off to a great start! A lot of colleges look at any volunteer work you do too which gives you an extremely good edge for colleges and jobs after college.

Would you be bi-sexual if...?

Well I'm a 15 year old girl,, ive recently seem attracted to girls strangely.. Ive always wanted to know what it's like to kiss one,, ive also found out this show on YouTube I watch, that the girls are actually bi-sexual and had posted videos of them kissing (for the fans cause their pretty famous on YouTube) and I reckon it's soooo cute! so.. Am I bi?

What use are housewives, if any?

I asked my wife what she thought of that. Fortunately, she was cleaning her weapons so they were out of action. Now you got her angry, she was unaware that I was taking advantage, she thought we were partners. Now because of you I can't even ask a favor without getting my head bit off. She is going hunting in the morning, maybe that will calm her down.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Did your cat do anything like this to you?

You see, my cat came purring to me yesterday and wanted to be petted. After a while he got bored and you know, he used me as a wall to jump further. And left this - . He jumped stronger than ever. He never scratched me when he jumped off me. Did your cat strangely jump off very strongly and leave you a big *** scratch?

Has anyone ever "freaked out" or sort of "went crazy" from drinking while on an ssri?

Hi, I just started taking an ssri called paxil and I want to drink alcohol socially but am scared of what the outcome maybe due to some past experiences......a few years ago I was on a different ssri called effexor and one night I had been drinking heavily to the point of blacking out, while I was blacked out people filled me in on what I was doing...I pretty much lost it and was acting like a crazy person like talking to myself a little bit and just acting VERY strangely....I dont remember ne thing but this experience was very embarresing...SO I want to know if ne 1 has ever had a similar experience or if it was just me? Im not normally a "crazy" person AT ALL, and im taking it for mild anxiety....any answers would b great thanks!!

Pains in my hip causing me problems!!?

When I was younger I had a dislocated hip so i've its always been weak but over the past few months it has been really painful that bending down and walking up the stairs is a struggle. I'm experiencing shooting pains and its usually on a night after a day at college or work, it feels heavy as well and even my knee seems tense sometimes :( i'm off to the hospital tomorrow to get it x-rayed, expecting the worse. What do you think it is? i don't do sports or the gym either.

What does it mean when you dream about someone?

Last night i had a dream about a girl that i once liked, In the dream I was at her house (which strangely looked like mine, probably because i have never been to her house before) and was just waiting for something. Then I saw her walking down the stairs in a beautiful dress and looked all extra pretty, then she asked me what do i think, before i could answer i woke up. I find this really weird because I kinda of like someone else now... What could this mean? Was this just a plain weird dream? or is there a meaning to it?

I have a problem involving child support and best intrest. Im the father?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

Can you guys help me understand part of Shakespeare's Sonnet 130? It's really confusing!?

My observation is that people tend to put those they are romantically involved with on pedestals, can't do wrong, Godly even. On the surface, she speaks the words I love to hear like a goddess but to be honest, music is more pleasing, while he has never seen a real goddess that must float rather than walk, his goddess walks on the ground. The humor may be in the fact we make others something they are not! Shakespeare probable had something else in mind but its what I see.

What are some different ways to wear a plain T-shirt?

I am a 13 year old girl and I am having trouble finding different ways to wear a plain T-shirt. I have tried knotting the corner of it and that works very well, but I am still struggling to find some other ways.

Would it seem selfish of me if I put my niece and nephews in foster care?

My niece and nephews live with me...they're 3, 2, and 1 years old. This is very hard for me because I live in a studio apartment, I work full time, and I go to school full time. I get no help from my family and the stress is to an almost unbearable point. I have recently become severely depressed and everyday seems to be a struggle. I'm starting to think the best thing is for me to put them in fost care. I was raised in foster and I know how awful it can be, but I need a break, even if it is only for a couple of weeks. Would this be selfish of me? What should I do?

How weird is it that I got depressed so much after thinking that I don't have a twin and won't have a clone?

I was quite a sane person until I read your question. Now I feel bewildered and confused so I'm going to have a lay down for a while.........................

How do you live with a husband you did not choose?

i don't know leave.. just up and walk out the door. and continue to do that untill you are "allowed" sooner or later he and your parents will get the hint when you come up missing every day...

My boyfriend and i see each other pretty much 24/7 and yet we never fight..normal?

We've been living together for two months now officially but I've been practically living with him for the past seven-eight months. We also work together on the same shift and see each other quite a bit there including taking all our breaks together. Somehow we just get along without trouble. I get slightly annoyed about somethings and weve started talking about it (I struggle with explaining my feelings) but we never fight about it and things just keep getting better.. i have moments where i freak out just because I have slight commitment issues but I know I want to be with him.

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

He has told you he thinks your attractive and unique. He has shown interest in your poems and songs, and he has invited you to get to know his friends at lunch. Heck even if he didn't like you, you could do a lot worse with a guy like that. I would assume that he likes you and continue to be friendly towards him. Eat lunch with him. Thank him for compliments. Don't worry about the fact that he is friendly and talks to other girls. You don't want to control him, or change him, or monopolize him right? So don't be bothered by that. Allow him to be the popular friendly guy he is and to also show you special attention as long as you want it from him. Tell him there is this movie you would love to see this weekend but your girlfriend (or cousin or sister???) flaked on you. Maybe if you leave that comment hanging in the air while smiling at him he will ask if he can take you.

How come I cant connect a Cisco Linksys E3000 to xbox live without constant lag?

Um yeah dis is the grul that u answerd a question for well shut tha **** up dont answer my questions if ur going to be with ur additude u ugly bitchhh

Thoughts on this extremely bad sonnet I wrote?

It is a little bit cliche, corny, and very Shakespearean like, but I actually like it. I wouldn't worry too much about the iambic pentamenter being messed up, all the good poets broke the rules. It's classy and romantic.

How do i convince my parents to let me go to a different school?

I just spent freshman year at a new school. I just left my old school which was a private school planning on going to this normal highschool. but then i got accepted into this special art school which i had tried getting into 7th and 8th grade. I know it is a great opportunity for artists.. my parents think im super passionate about art and am good at it (im okay) but im not passionate at all.. in 7th grade art was all i did. draw draw draw draw. but now my goal has been for 2 years to become a marine bioligist.. and going to an art school wouldnt necissarily look good on a science colledge application. Also the people there well... they have made this the 2nd worst year of my life first of all, most of the people there are either super wierd or druggies. or they are depressing "struggling artists" since the school used random kind of pick a name out of a hat way to let kids into school we are getting untalented kids who just want the easy fun school and arent there for the art. I want to leave because there are people out there, kids, who are amazing, passionate, talented artists who would LOVE the school and i am taking there place! i feel horrible. The people there will judge you for being normal. they will judge you for not being different or wierd and all that. And yes i know i will be judged at a regular highschool but at least for the right reasons! i would understand people saying oh she didnt do her makeup today or oh her hair looks a mess i dont care. At this school people say oh..SHES wearing makeup. she must be a whore then. or OH she isnt dressing artsy or shes wearing high heels what a slut. seriously? do you want me to come with dirt in my hair paint smears on my face and talk about the mystical powers of spiritual art?? you are CRAZY. I met one normal person there and find out they are talking bad about me behind my back because i forgot to wash off my makeup one night at her house?! I FORGOT. also its a small school with 89.9 percent bad influences, so news travels fast, theres always someone talking about you, everyone knows everything about everyone, and if there isnt anything to talk about they will make something up. If you do meet a normal person there they turn out to be either mean or a really bad influence, and since it is a small school theres little chance of meeting a good influence. EVERYONE IS ON DRUGS! im not exaggerating. at all.. and i have nothing against people on drugs they can be some of the nicest people you meet but they are considered "bad influences" i know there will be lots more bad influences in a normal highschool but there will also be way more good influences! the only reason my parents are keeping me in this school is because of the overall high test scores, which have gone waaaaaaaaaaaay down this year because no one is trying anymore. they think since its an art school its all fun and free and easy. I STRONGLY DISLIKE MY SCHOOL! it has made me despise life and myself... you'd think that at a school where their motto is acceptance there would be a LOT more acceptance...

Which poem do you like better?

Hi. I like them both. the topics and the words choices you describe are really god so i cannot choice one i have to pick both poems, your poetic style is unique and different. Keep on sharing.

I have failed my degree please help?

I have been seriously struggling with depression and heart problems over the last 5 years and its finally taken its toll. I have been trying to do this degree in biomedical science over the last 5 years but everything has gone wrong. In my first year I was at bath spa uni doing fine until I started having heart problems and I had to drop out and go back home so I could be closer to my family and doctors. I changed uni's to a closer one but I had to start again. The next 2 years went fine and I got into the last year of uni but then I started to have palpatations and further heart problems again which meant I had to miss out a load of the year being hospital and had to repeat the year. I just done my repeat year and its been the year from hell as this year I have had terrible problems with depression and I struggled really bad with therapy and being anti depressents. I have tried to go on with the degree as hard as I can but I have had no help from any lecturers even though I told them my problems. My personal tutor never replied to any of my emails at all during my dissertation so I have had no help so I have guarenteed a fail on that. My exams and cw were horrible aswell and I about to get my results tomorow and I am pretty sure I have failed the whole lot. My parents havent been understanding at all saying I have wasted 5 years of my life and that if I fail then they wont want anything to do with me anymore and they are ashamed of me. The stupid thing is that I dont care for the subject anymore, I dont a job to do with biology of medical science. I discovered that I really wanna get into teaching primary school as I have been doing voluntary work at local schools for quite a while. Is there a way I can not waste the 2 years worth of credits I got and use it to get into teaching?? how can I turn my pathetic life around??

Deciding names: Do you have more difficulty with one gender?

YES! definitely girls! I can never settle on one name and if i love a name i dont know a good middle name! boys names are so easy though!

Why do women generally suck at playing rock n roll instruments?

Just look at how society tells kids they are supposed to be. Little girls are suppose to be pretty and dainty so they choose instruments to express themselves in that way. Little boys are suppose to be rough and tough so they choose instuments that seem that way.

I find single girls less attractive than taken girls. Something wrong with me or with them?

we always want what we can't have and they fact that they are taken and there by off limits makes them more appealing. don't worry you can still find a great single girl though

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

He is definitely interested in you. The only reason why he would talk to other girls in the hallway is to merely see if you are interested in him as well. But I would say he is 150% into you and if he doesn't make a move soon, then you should because you guys would make a great couple ( since you guys have a lot in common.)

How can I improve my lap times on f1 2010 PC version?

Hi guys, I'm using keyboard,auto brake off,traction control medium, abs off and I'm struggling to drive the f1 car....I'm a pretty good driver though, nailed Grid or Nfs series....but f1 is way different.The main problem is the cars spins horrible when taking agressive an apex....especially Monza and Monaco...for instance my Best time on Montreal is like 1.14 , and at Monza 1.22 .Playing in the career mode on EASY, I never won a best time was like 5th.......tried different car setups......but no succes...

If god is so good would he ever forgive the doubters, after all there is no solid, without a doubt proof?

i want to believe in a god but with so much pain and suffering, not just wicked people but diseases and nature itself, i really struggle, if he is so good and kind then surely he would forgive people like me...

Am I depressed? Help?

So, I feel strangely sad and I have started thinking I might be getting into depression. I feel like there's no meaning to life. I am bored to do anything. I feel stressed for no reason. I don't wanna talk. I just get agree when other people ask me if I'm okay. Sometimes I feel happy. I thank the God I have happy moments. But is there really any kind of depression that has breaks? I mean, it sounds silly. The most of the time I feel extremely sad, but there are some happy moments too. How can this happen? I think depression doesn't stop for an hour and then comes back. Anyway, I have lost a big amount of weight too. It didn't happen because I'm sad. I went on a diet cause I had some extra pounds. Do you think that loosing weight can make you sad too? My diet is healthy that's for sure. Lots of fruits and vegetables, proteins..e.t.c It's not like I have lack at something. I don't know, I'm confused. Is this depression?

My baby boy is 9 months old and i'm really struggling with finger food...?

we've tried everything i.e. bananas, wotsits, breadsticks, quavers, biscuits, rusks, gingernuts the whole 9 yards but he just doesn't seem to grasp that he needs to chew it. I personally know that he will learn eventually and think that consistency will be the key for example giving him bananas for a week so he masters that then baby wotsits the next week for a new texture etc bt my partner is a really bad worrier and i know she just loves the bones of him but she is petrified he will choke and as soon as he butes a bit off she panics. i try and reassure her that his gag reflex is really sensitive and if he has any trouble he'll cough and gag immediately and then we'll know to get him out his high chair and get the food out of his mouth/throat accordingly but it is really getting her down now and i want to say the right thing to help as i am always in work and cant help out with the feeding as much as i want to nor as much as she needs me to :( please help

Why can't I get a girlfriend?

Personally ive never really had any issues with talking to girls probably cuz i live with 3, but if you really want to talk to a girl you could always try taking a few deep breaths and take a moment to think about what you say and this should help with your issue. :)

Help from great passionate poets?

I personally think it's fine. I don't like "Several reactions", but I don't hate it. Just practice a little more and you'll be awesome. The lines were a tad short, making me think it might be for school and you just want it to be done...but it has potential. Keep trying ;)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can someone help me think of something to say to my parents...?

I've been depressed (I think it is depression) for a while now, and I Can't take it any more, everyday is a constant struggle inside my head. I am fine one minute, then I just start crying. I stay up all night and sleep all day, so my parents don't see. I keep thinking about death and It's driving me mad, Sometimes I'm thinking 'I don't want to die, next I wan't to kill myself. So I need to get help but I don't know what to say to my parents. We are kind of close but I don't usually talk to them about personal feelings.

A Sonnet for your Bonnet?

I can understand no more beer served to you..The leech is someone that has attached itself to you and wont let go. You had rather someone to leave a lasting impression like a stinger from a wasp. I hear you loud and clear. I love metaphors. Good one Dave.

Could it be pedophilia?

Hello. I am 16 and I have a weird problem. I have been strangely attracted to girls from age 7 - 11. Could it be pedophilia? I know it is wrong but I cant help myself.

Toronto resigning Kaberle?

What do you think the chances are? I say they shouldn't but I hear rumours that they may. Honestly he plays sh*t defensively and then makes his team struggle on the power play cause he never shoots!!!

Any other petite women who struggle with penis size?

Hello a penis about 6 inches long is uncomfortable for me and in some positions hurts. Anybody else had this problem?

Can someone help me find songs for my English project, please help!?

I have to find 3 songs that describe the plots of anything we've read in English this year and it has to be creative! The things we've read are Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Antigone, Julius Caesar, Lord of the Flies, 1984, The Nonexistent Knight, The Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, and a bunch of Shakespeare Sonnets. Please help!

Do I have a case against this mechanic shop?

Sounds like your motor was already on it's way out. It's like rushing someone to the hospital, the doctor tries to save him but he dies because it was simply too late. You'll get a bill but you wouldn't sue the doctor for being there. Make sure you know the facts, talk to him and let him explain what you paid for. You'd look really stupid to a judge if the shop couldn't save your car because you didn't change the oil or some other form of neglect. But hey, I could be wrong and he may be a rip off that needs to be sued. Be smart! Good luck!

Summary of the poem " sonnet 105 " by shakespear?

The poet denies that his love is a form of idolatry and that the youth himself is an idol. He insists that he has been constantly devoted to the values of fairness, kindness and truth. Being three themes united in the figure of the youth, there is great scope for verse, since they have never been united in one person before.

Being sensitive can change your mood?

I'm a sensitive teenager and i felt like i was bipolar because i would be sad over things i would have seen or heard. Such as going to a funeral of someone i wouldn't know much but it's like i put myself in their shoes and i become sad like i was actually them. Or a sad song or a song about somebodies life about their struggles especially rap has made me sad before it hasn't made me depressed though but i don't feel as active, or as excited, happy, and i just like sitting there like whatever it was i was thinking of had happened to me even though it hasn't or even come close. No song has made me happy, angry, or anything else just sad but not depressed. I think it makes me daydream because i don't realize what things are going on in my personal life when my mood changes to these subjects, songs and unfortunate events of someone i do or do not know.

Check my answers for my english test please? hurry!?

Did you finish this? Because I really need the answers for it! I can trade you answers for the U.S. history final, basic algebra A&B, and sign language. Please help me out:/

Urgent question to Christians about repentance and restitution?

A few years back I used to lie on my time sheet at work and put more hours than I actually worked and so i got paid more money than I earned. Now that I have repented and given my life to Christ (though still struggling a bit with leaving sin completely), I want to return the money I wrongfully took. I have estimated that I was paid 500$ that I did not deserve during my time at the job. I have the money but I was wondering if it is still considered restitution if I write an anonymous letter apologizing for what I did and sticking the money and the note in an envelope and dropping it off at the payroll office? Or do I actually have to confess face to face before God counts it as restitution? I really want to do what's right but I don't want to get into legal trobles :-( Please advice

Can you tell me what this means?

i don't know why but when i have bad feelings about something they strangely happen the way i thought they would. when i was 11 i got into a four wheeler wreck, all i remember was before i got on i said"but what if i fall off and hit my head" , later we wrecked and i flew off and landed on my head (as i was told) and damaged my memory. A months ago i has this feeling where my 90 year old grandmother was going to get sick/ be in the hospital before her next birthday(which was 3 weeks away) her house burnt down, leaving two other relatives deceased and her in the hospital, this happened just 3 days before her birthday. Another time: i was talking to my partner and i had a feeling like he was in a bad mood or going to leave me, 5 minutes later he told me he just wanted to be friends, and so on.. every now and then i "take the words right out of someones mouth" and when im watching movies i have an idea of whats going to happen. can you tell me what this is, maybe physic? i also took a physic IQ test and the ranks were 10-20 not physic; 20-28 physic; 28-30 brilliantly physic ; i scored a 28. answers please(: thanks

Do I have a sexual desire disorder or an odd sexual fetish?

You're thinking about it too much. Don't worry man - it's normal. We all have our own secret fetishes that we don't share. Like I used to love the chicks from Sailor Moon

When was Sonnet 01 by Elizabeth Browning written?

Can't seem to find it on google. Any ideas? It's Sonnet 01, or "I Thought Once How Theocritus Had Sung"

Do I have crabs? Please help im really scared?

Wow girl, cool down, go talk to your mother, then go to a doctor, then if she believes you are sexually active, go to a gynecologist. Don't try to fix things on your own.

Why are white women so insecure?

If you were really confident in yourself, you wouldn't be comparing yourself to white women. You sound so jealous.

Rooms which are adapted to depressed people make me depressed, what should I do?

Rooms which are prepared by interior designers to adapt to depressed people, strangely enough make me feel depressed. I like happy things and happy colors but the interior designer said, it would be not good for depressed people to have such objects or colors in a room where depressed people are treated. So I changed the room to adapt to the designers ideas. But now the room makes me feel depressed and I do not like working in it anymore.

How to tell parents about bad grades?

Just tell them! Your parents should not care if you get those kinds of grades and remember to tell them that you tried your hardest and it was a new program/school. If you tell your parents that you tried your hardest, they might be mad for a while but then they will get over it. Also, promise them from the bottom of you heart that you will do better next year. To answer the last question (the ps question), yes and no. Yes, because if you tell them that you think a tutor will help you, that will show them that you know that you made the mistake but you want to fix it and do better. No, because they are not BAD grades, they are average grades. Good Luck!

Why do I react strangely to darkness?

Could you be epileptic? Or do you mean when you play with your eye balls? I have that too, nothing to be afraid of. You'll grow out of it

Is the best education one that teaches students to question what they learn?

This is an essay topic that im struggling to write about. Any suggestions on how to go about writing this essay?

Avoid women from new york city?

why women are so moody and bitchiness and whores because women are not interested in men these day or is that women like bad boys so avoid women from new york city and meet women in Miami , Chicago Los Angeles or around the world. help me out because women are behaving strangely when to comes to bad guys and i hate the old say that good guys come last that dont make sense

What is a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet?

im doing this thing for school i have to write poems well i need to write a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet but the thing is i have no idea if each one needs to rhyme, have a pattern of beats, purpose, and how long they need to be please help

What use are housewives, if any?

Did you have an actual question, or did you just want to post a bunch of mostly outdated and out of context quotations?

Should I just go for it? Any advice would be appreciated highly...?

A girl never forgets things that easily, shes just curious about what is going to happen between you two. So start talking to her again, and guys will be back on track

Whats should i do about this?

i think you should go and see your dad and have a good talk to him,get to know him more.tell him how you are feeling, forget the past and look to the future. don't listen to your mum, go see your dad and make your own mind up. your 15..... im shure you are mature enough now. he is your dad at the end of the day and im Shure he too will be hurting too! please go see him.

What is the proper way to say hello in Japanese?

This might sound like a stupid question but at first i knew hello was "Konnichiwa" but then i heard that if you say konnichiwa to somebody at 8 in the morning they'll look at you strangely. Should it be Ohaiyo in the morning, Konnichiwa in the afternoon, and Konban wa(sorry if i didn't spell that right) in the evening? or just be Konnichiwa all day?

Would you dump me????

A few weeks ago I tried to kill myself by popping a hand full of tylenol. I messed up my insides real bad and now I see a therepist and physitrist. I am now on anti-depressants. I am also losing alot of weight real quickly, I have made myself puke before an'd I hardly eat (if I can get away with it).. My mother and therepist are concerned about my eating habits and my friends mother says if I dont start eating better Im going to get sick. Im a self-harmer, I burn, cut, snap rubber bands against my like skin, push pins into my skin, sometimes i get people pissed off so they'll hit me. I made a promise to my therepist that I wont harm but I broke that the very same night. I have been "struggling" with depression for about a year Ig and have been a self-harmer for like that long 2. I am losing friends quickly because they think Im trouble and I dont have such a good reputation right now. i get teased for trying to kill myself hurtting myself and for being on pills. I have smoked and drank. Im emo/goth by the way. Oh and Im about to be 14. What do you think of this? If you were my bf would you dump me or stay with me?

Need help with English Literature?

Why is the speaker of "Sonnet -To Science" annoyed with science? What does science do that the poet does not like? Note the personification and gendering of Science as a woman ("daughter of old Time").

How much does it sadden you to know you don't have a twin and won't have a clone?

well, it's sad knowing that there's only one of me and being the sexiest person alive, that's just tragic! but, at the same time, I like being the only hottest person ever, so that's what makes me feel better about it!!

Are My Dreams Foreshadowing the Future?

This is hard to analyze, as I rarely feel dreams are that prophetic. But it is certainly more than a mere happenstance of events. But, there is nothing to say "Yes, you are a seer and this will come to pass."

My troubled step son ? Help Parents.?

He's Trying to not except you as a mother but sooner or late he will give in,maybe when he brings a friend over go down to the store and buy them a bag of chips and his friend will say "Your step moms sweet" and it will go from there.

How can a teenage girl lose weight fast and safely?

I am 17 years old and I am looking for a safe and effective way to lose weight relatively fast. I want to lose about 20 pounds. I have struggled with my weight for awhile and just want to be happy in my own skin.

Is my dog okay, he has strange breathing habits randomly at night time?

Hi, my dog randomly starts breathing strangely. At night, his breathing is more rapid then usual, however sometimes not very loud, occasionally, and he gets restless. This has happened twice and I took him out to have some water and let him out to get some fresh air, but I don't know. He is a Shitzu x Maltese and is 10years old. Please help me!

I need help child support related im the father?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

Can you help me interpret my handstand dream?

Arm balance things in dreams mean that you are trying to balance your life and so is everyone else. They were searching for what they wanted after graduation. The elevator represents going from one state of consciousness to another. Also there is obviously some anxiety about what to do next and will it work out if you balance yourself

I know how to get a mate on wolf quest but am having difficulties finding stranger wolves in all 3 territories?

You see a kindly person helped me with how to GET a mate but they said I had to interact with at least 1 stranger wolf from each of the 3 territories,but strangely I can either only find stranger wolves in 1 territory or can't find any at all please help!

Afterlife (NDE, OBE) & Reincarnation VS Traditional Religions?

Did we invent God? If we did, think about that: All the laws and practices in the Bible are incredible. They are so caring, loving, and patient. Our ancestors must have been very loving people who cared deeply for others. What a wonderful world to live in! If everyone loved eachother in the ways the Bible encourages, our world would be a beautiful place to live in. Whether God invented us, or we invented the Bible: the Bible is the true book of life and is worth following either way.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I am not scared of giving birth. I feel strangely calm. Is this normal? Did any of you feel this way?

I felt tue same way with my first then i had a bad labour. My little one is 7 months old and im 19 weeks pregnant witg number two. Dispite my horrible labour with my first i am very calm again and not affraid at all

Can someone please help me??? I think I'm going to die!!!?

Just try to calm your self down when you feel overwhelmed. Try to think about all the good things about life and all the beautiful things. Tell the voices to f**k off!

Is it bad to like my friends OLD crush?

Me and my best friend agreed we wouldn't like any of our old crushes or current ones but her old crush she liked for two years :// but all through that time I REALLY liked him but this year it's gone away as I liked someone else but when I was rejected by that guy and my best friend had ditched me but then came back I started talking to the old guy again and starting getting feelings for him again! If my best friend'd old crush asked me out would it be bad for me to say yes? I feel really bad and I'm sorry if this question was worded strangely, I'm not always good with getting words out!!

Why can i sing high notes so easily when i have a sore throat?

at times i can easily belt really high notes, and i can always sing in my whistle register range when i have a sore throat. i've read everywhere that people struggle with sore throats, why am i having the opposite effect?

Why am I being so Emotional about Twin Flames?

hmmm it may be that you want to connect deeply with someone? whoa, I have never heard of it before and I just searched it up.. seems pretty interesting! how can people find their "twin flame" because now I'm sorta confused?

How have i eaten today? Feeling guilty :-/?

If you are anorexic, and you need to gain weight, consult a nutritionist. That diet will not put weight on.

How can i stablize my weight?

I'm 28yo guy and I am 69kg (152lbs) with a height of 5'9 (180cm). I also a very avid jogger and like to run on most days. I really need to stabilize my weight otherwise I risk becoming underweight. I want to up my calories intake from an 1800 average to a 2500 but I am struggling. I have to force myself to eat this extra food and its horrible eating when you are full. Can someone suggest some healthy ways to get these extra kilojoules without force feeding myself?

Why does my dog keep growling at me?

I have a dog who is a mix between a chihuahua and something else. He is around a year old, give or take a month or two. We've had him for around 2-4 months. When we first got him he got along fine with everybody, but recently (within the past 2 weeks or so), he has been acting strangely. Some things he has been doing: he'll be ok, then he'll start yiping and running likes he's hurt. This is usually accompanied by him shaking. Other times he'll growl and start to shake if somebody tries to pet him. He knows none of us would intentionally hurt him, but still he acts as though he is afraid of us. Why is this, and how can I get him to quit growling at us? I understand smaller dogs are timid, so I'm not sure if the shaking can be helped, but I do not like him growling at us.

Is there a sonnet, elegy or ode about pride?

I need a poem for my english assignment about Romeo and Juliet. I am being Tybalt and talking about how proud I am to be a Capulet so I need a sonnet, an elegy or an ode about this. Does anyone know one?

Favorite Poems by Foreign Authors?

Russia. As an appendix to "Doctor Zhivago" is a set of poems, attributed to Yuri, but, of course, written by Boris Pasternak. Pasternak was famous for his poetry long before "Doctor Zhivago" was written. His poem "Hamlet" and "A Candle Burning" are two good ones to review. "Hamlet" is written to portray the oncoming revolution, with allusions to The Garden of Gethsemane. "A Candle Burning" is another sign of the upcoming turmoil, felt by Zhivago in the first part of the novel.

Does Obama putting his agenda on hold have anything to do with the upcoming election?

Dodd Frank rules, delayed temporarily. Some EPA job killing rules, delayed temporarily. No chatter about cap and trade. Strangely, all of the social justicey, hopey changey Obama agenda has suddenly gone silent. Could it possibly have anything to do with Obama gearing up one more time to convince the so-called "independents" that he is a so-called "centrist"? Probably just a coincidence, don't you think? I mean, a guy like Obama would never put his agenda on hold to get elected, only to unleash it once more... would he?

Here's the stupid question of the year for the Poetry Category. What is poem anyway? I'm SO confused. Are song?

A poem is a rhythmical piece of writing that often uses poetic devices (such as similes, metaphors, and onamontapeias). Songs are poetry put to music and sung. A limerick is a short, witty poem that tells a story with a rhyme scheme of AABBA. Not all limericks are dirty. A rhyme is when two or more words end in the same sound. So, fall and ball rhyme because they both end with the sound all. A sonnet is just a short type of poetry. A haiku is another type of poetry with no rhymes and a syllable scheme of 5 7 5. I hope this helped.

Ive been dating this girl for about 6 months, and things have started changing.?

As i said its been 6 months in the best relationship of my life. Lately though she has started being meaner to me, calling me fat (I've struggled with weight issues in the past) and stupid (I was diagnosed with ADD and general anxiety disorder this year) it doesn't bother me a lot where I get pissed. Its just like if she knows this stuff why is she trying to offend me. The flipside is she can also get very clingy and affectionate. She loves kissing me on the cheek, and cuddling on the couch. She tells me she loves me constantly over the phone and how I'm her world. I'm wondering what she could be going through? Also, if this relationship is worth continuing. Her name calling doesn't bother me im just wondering if you think there's anything wrong? There was also a group of girls that got pissed I asked her out and some still talk to me and you can tell still want me...should I pursue them at the cost of making a huge mistake and breaking my girlfriends heart?. I've helped my girlfriend through her alchoholism, she helped me through dark times when a friend committed suicide. i know this is long and complicated but i need help.

What would you see is my mother tongue?

Your name sounds like a Hebrew name and u have the flag as your profile picture, yet you haven't mentioned it as one of the languages you speak. I believe your language should mainly be French but it's amazing that you could speak all those other languages fluently

Do you think this is a good book idea?

i think it's pretty good, it's your story, you don't have to change anything if you don't want to, i'd read it : )

How to choose an appropriate population sample for a uni research proposal?

As part of a university skills project, I am preparing a research proposal that should analyse drinking behaviour in a UK youth organisation (14-25 year-olds) by comparing it to the overall teenage drinking behaviour in the country (yet in the same age group). There are data available for the latter, yet it is not clear from the NHS report what particular data belong to the age I am considering. I am struggling to decide (calculate) an appropriate sample size for both of the groups. There are millions of 14-25 year old people in the UK and the organisation has more than 270,000 members. Surveying this many people is going to be too costly and not necessarily efficient. How can I tackle this? I hope you can help me with this. Thanks!

Michelle Obamas Trip To Africa Cost $800,000 Tax Payer Dollars. Was It Appropriate?

Michelle visited South Africa and brought along her two daughters.her mother and two of her brothers children. They visited museums, and Landmarks and even went on a Safari. I understand that she was there to promote youth leadership,education and health but considering the current economic difficulties America is struggling with it is appropriate for her to spend $800,000 of hard earned American tax dollars on a tax payer funded vacation for her Family and friends? During these hard times most Americans can't even afford a bungalow at the shore for a weeks vacation. I don't think the Trip was appropriate. If she had to visit Africa why did she have to drag her children friends and relatives along at tax payer expense? Im starting to see why her nickname is "Moochelle"

Christians: please help me here?

I am struggling so bad with this issue. I am so sick of seeing men degrade women and call them names for sleeping around. Well a lot of men that call women names are sleeping around themselves. That's a sin right to sleep around when not married? Fornication? So then why do men feel they have the right to judge women who sleep around because in a biblical sense they are both sinners for sleeping around and both in need of repenting. So why does society glorify a man and say "high five man you got her nailed" when in all reality he is a sinner to and so is his supportive friends. That bothers me so much is how a sinner can condemn another sinner who is lusting and having sex just like he is. Am I right?

Pokemon HG: Problem With Team Rocket Radio Tower Challenge?

You get the Team Rocket outfit from the Goldenrod underground. It's by the north side, and you talk to the Team Rocket member behind the counter.

Is this poem a bit cheesey or should I cheese it up a bit more, please help?

This I would class as exceptional cheesiness. Deciding what category is a problem. should it be mature, extra mature or just mild. With the crummy omelet this cannot be mild but an exhilarating venture a very blue gorgonzola kitchen. Now I want to see your toe poem as you kick this one into touch. Thanks for a laugh - I needed that today.

If I wrote a sonnet with 14 lines, 10 syllables each,but I didn't follow the rhyming scheme what grade?

I'm in 9th grade and it was part of my final. My ryhimg sceme was aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg. Everything else was good.

Italian Sonnet....can anyone help?

I have to write an Italian sonnet for my online english 12 course, and I'm having the hardest time writing one! I'm not very creative. Can someone write one for me, or atleast give me an idea on what to write about? It would be greatly appreciated.

If I ask God for Him to cure my addiction of ADD medications today, then the addiction should disappear right?

First of all how this all started was because I was struggling all my life with ADHD in school been names called like stupid, retarded, handicapped, or just f-cked in the head and I HATE having ADHD so much and want it to go away by God! And then I am now addicted and have abused every one of the ADHD medications and my parents have to hide them and they raise they voices at all everytime I find them and do abuse them. So, if I get down on my knees, and beg again and again like I always did for God to heal my ADHD and my addiction of all the medications tonight, then the addiction should go away, right? I'm hoping so sense He's all powerful!!

People are looking at me strangely?

i did not do anything, as i was walking there was several people staring at me. i was thinking WTF!? xP what do you think that means?

Smart phone trouble...not fair?

Hey, ok, last year my dad got a blackberry. he didnt know there was a buy one get one free deal (plus the $30 smartphone fee). then my mom got a blackberry. She'd found out about the buy one get one and decided to let my sister have it who at the time was 16 and she told me that since i had to wait i could get ANY and i mean ANY phone i wanted (I decided i'd want the droid 2) SOOOOOO.... upcame my upgrade and i was told that i no longer could have my own smartphone! im 14 and i still struggle with the fact that i was promised something and then was denied that. Im left with my dads old work phone that messes uup quite often and sucks the battery too quick. Christmas is what im waiting for now. Ok so my sister has the iPod touch 3rd gen and I have 4th gen and shes in love with my ipod shes got her heart set on having mine sooooo I think itd be a great time to bring up me getting a smartphone preferrably iphone. What's your opinion on this whole ordeal? whos right whos wrong? What SHOULD happen next? Thank you

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dragon Ball Z: Why don't they wish back Android 17?

I like him alot. I can relate to his personality. But I also can relate to Krillin. Because I'm shy and struggle with girls in reality. I'm like A17 because I play too much and like games.

Am I Too Young? (I NEED ADVICE!!!) Girls Only Plez~?

I read the first 3 lines and didn't read the rest.. You're 12. Comon, When I was 12years old, I didn't even think about guys and dating... Focus on your school work, you have your whole life to focus on women.

Is this strange/normal of me :(?

Ok, so here goes. I finally found my first love, he was a boy in my class. I couldnt stop thinking about him 24/7, but sadly, he seems to be in love with somebody else (who is planning to go out with another boy secretly behind his back after he moves). We recently went on a boat ride as a class field trip and they were holding hands and hugging the entire time and it crushed me . I really did feel pain. Anyways, tomorrow morning he is moving to texas. I live in seattle, so thats obviously really far away from where i live. i thought i would be very upset about it, but strangely, i cant wait until he's gone. Is this strange of me to feel this way :(?

My dear people cause of the damage can make to earth?

dunno why this is in the r&s section, but the animal that kills more people every year than any other is the common muslim fundamentalist.

I have to write a sonnet with the words given by our teacher here are the words ,star,lovely,far,lonely,abov?

star,lovely,far lonely,above beautiful,dove fearful,sad,free,bad,see,sight,light hope to help me it will be pass on monday thanks

How should I study for these SAT II subject tests?

I haven't taken AP Chem and I took Honors Chem in 10th grade and I'm going to be a senior. Few colleges I want to apply to want a science subject test. I took AP Physics B, but I struggled A LOT. Which should I take? Also I finished pre-calc and how should I study for Math level 2? Would it be recommended to take spanish subject test because I want to go into pre med and i just finished spanish 4? Thanks!

Minecraft - Pink Stuff?

Well this might be like a texture pack or something. Try downloading a texture pack and using that. But every time minecraft updates with something new you'll have to download an updated version of the texture pack again.

Guess what my favorite football team is?

my team has struggled past years had one good year from 2007 and on pretty good under rated defense and decent running backs make bad draft picks and have a horrible qb with no potential one star wr with alot of talent and another decent wr

What does this dream mean?

Your relationship is not moving.It is a blocked one.You are in unmoving bus.Your relation is not workable.Forget it.

This is my first poem, does it look like one at all?

good start. put it in the magazine and get feedback. thats how you'll get better, and just keep writing and get more feedback. Also, read poetry of all kinds, anything from the classics to your classmates'.

Does this mean that my body is weird?

i have the same exact body ! its not weird, everyone has different shaped body's. its very hard for me to find clothes and bras that fit me.. I would recommend shopping at old navy and getting your bras at maiden form, there comfortable and not so expensive.

What do you think of my poem?

I think your pretty talented and should get this published. The imagery portrayed is absolutely marvelous!!!!!!!!! Also very imaginative.

Question about learning disabilities..?

i have that problem, im taking a GED in a week and i need to write an essay, if there is a word for what you say you have, i have it too. Im really scared of the essay. Ive been diagnosed with ADD and i quit highschool during my second year in 9th grade. I am the same way with essays.

Can someone WRITE A SONNET FOR ME?!? TEN 10 POINTS!?!?

ok so i need to write a sonnet for english class and im having some serious trouble. Can someone just write me a sonnet. it CAN BE BASIC. ID PREFER IT BE BASIC. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE IT. And if you can, include the words "English" and "Class" in it. It can be very short. As long as you want it to be but at least like 6 sentences please. I promise ill give TEN POINTS to someone that makes a good BASIC ONE.

Obese person looking for some help?

Well I am obese and I weigh 325 pounds. I am 21 years old and obesity has ruined my social life. Me being obese makes me so sad. I also struggle with emotional eating-really badly. this has been a problem of mine for the longest time and I want to change my life. At times I don't even want to go outside because some people can be so rude. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad for me, I am just seeking for advice. I have suffered for too long being obese and I would finally like to try to change myself. I also have low self esteem due to my obesity and just don't feel good about myself. the hard thing Is me trying to avoid junk food and STICK with my weight loss goals. can you please help me? I am In need of all the help and advice I can get....

Is nuclear power safe?

Given that all credible reports have radioactivity levels at and beyond the site line at the order of magnitude of what is normally experienced in a freshly painted room, or lower (with the exception of readily identifiable and containable "Hot Spots"); and that Gundersen has a long history of crying "The Sky is falling! The Sky is falling!" for reasons of profit seeking and personal ideology, I will need something a little more substantial than "Elevated levels of radiation are being reported by Japanese BLOGGERS all over eastern Japan."

Was I sexually abused when I was younger?

I'm 13, so is this other boy, he always flirts with me, then he kissed me on the cheek which kinda got me freaked out a bit but I ignored it. Later he was grabbing me and holding me against him (He usually does that, I think hes just being stupid) But this time he tried to kiss me on the lips, then suddenly everything kinda went darker and I saw black stuff and the edges of my vision, and I got really scared he was trying to kiss me, and I started struggling and when he didn't let go (He probably just thought I was playing around) I completely freaked out, attacked him, then I ran away... I felt like that has happened to me before and something very bad happened, I've heard that sometimes the brain hides bad memories... Or maybe I'm just over reacting?

Parents/godparents do you worry about stuff that may or may not happen? How do I stop?

My whole life I have struggled with this-worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future. The most recent is me worrying they may or may not change telecommuting agreements at work and it may or may not mean moving. I know the smart thing to do would be to continue to live my life and worry about it if and when it happens. I know from past experiences no good comes of this. I think I have gotten better about living in the moment since I have had kids but this habit still creeps in and its totally counterproductive-for instance my county has some very good and very bad schools, but I have 2 years before my son starts and I'll have to decide whether to move, go to a magnet, use private, etc. yet I still worry about it.

What is the meaning of the poem "To an empty page" ?

The poet is Robert Pack. It's an echo sonnet. This is for an essay I have to do. So please help me out.

What Kind of A Career Is Optometry?

You should make an account on the Princeton Review website. It has profiles including salaries, quality of life, etc. for many careers as well as extensive information on colleges, grad schools, majors, career fields, etc. it's a valuable resource and it's free. Check it out.

My Laptop won't recognize itouch 4g?!?!?

When I connected my itouch to my laptop, my laptop wont recognize it. All my laptop would do is just make a sound and my laptop cant even read it. I even tested my flash drive and psp to this thing and my laptop can actually recognize BOTH devices.I also strangely still charge my itouch to the wall. How can this be fixed?

What was the cause of his death?

I had a parrot for two years who died on sunday night. Prior to this he was diagnosed with a wound problem (down below), which he kept picking on and thus had to wear on a collar to prevent this. He seemed his usual self, talking and quite content. However my parrot was found at the bottom of his cage. He was struggling to breathe, i tried to give him water. But all i heard was a scream and than instantly he died. Now i have been told there was a fly killer room fragrance, that placed near him. Could this have killed him. Im so confused and upset.

Why would someone clump up toilet paper and leave it on the floor of the restroom....every single day?

its probably someone who's OCD or follows a series of daily rituals. you could use that criteria to try and determine who it is

No blood on my pad?!?

Ok so I'm on my period. Whenever I wipe tons of blood is on the tissue but none on my pad. I've been laying down has it just not leaked out? (so gross I'm sorry but this is strange) I heard that this can happen if you've exercised a lot, I had 8 games(basketball) in two days and my period is usually heavy but strangely light/medium now. Please help

My red eared turtles sometimez wave their armz strangely in frony of each other... should i be worried? i got3?

they r trying to fight but they are too slow and lazy to actually hit eachother so u have nothing to worry a bout

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What make egyptian govt. non democratic?

Egypt's government is authoritarian, if it was democratic people would be choosing leaders and run for elections every couple of years. Sometimes to turn a country democratic takes fighting by the people and overthrowing government. Seriously,the process to democracy sometimes involves war!

Is this a good story so far?

It moves too fast. You need more of an introduction and you need to separate it into paragraphs and have better grammar. It's a good concept though.

I had a bad orgy and can't get rid of it?

6 guys and me work in an office, i am an attractive 23 year girl and have six handsome confident men working next to me all day, i do drive them crazy on purpose by wearing perfume and low cut skirts, but the other night we all went for drinks and we all got drunk, the manager booked a motel room and ordered a curry for everyone and we had bottles of pina coladas after we ate we then had sex. all six men were on me and i let the guys do what they wanted with me, problem is one of the guys who was very big decided to give me anal, while i held the others in my hands, mouth and vagina, the guy giving me anal was fine but he pulled out too fast and i ended up sprayying the room with diaorrea I speaded it everywhere and since then i have had to work in the same office with everyone treating me strangely? help what do I do? i earn alot and do not want to quit!

Diet & exercise advice?

Try eating protein and iron and reduce fat intake. If u go to a gym u will need protein to get muscle

Could I have Schizotypal Disorder?

Your symptomatic profile is rather inconsistent with the criteria for schizotypal disorder or other pre-psychotic conditions, wherein hallucinogenic experiences or delusional preoccupations are the hallmark concern. Rather, given your acute dissociative states, I would be more inclined to diagnose the problem as perhaps a consequence of a derealization or depersonalization syndrome. The out-of-body experiences you describe, as well as the incessant doubt of external existence are routinely recorded by patients who suffer from these conditions or related fugue states. Hence, subliminal anxiety may be the culprit perpetuating such symptoms, however you do not illicit any probable stimulus to be a source in your post. Regardless of the etiology of your malady, I urge you to seek clinical intervention by speaking with a licensed psychologist. Only a trained professional will be able to render a diagnosis and treat the problem accordingly.


i tried turning my toshiba laptop but it didnt turn off i turned it off just after i downloaded imvu and went on boombang my laptop been acting strangely really slow ect wat should i do i tried shutting it down but it said "installing 3 updates" and it turned off then i tried again and it doesnt turn off the green light is still on wat should i do plz help! do i need to go to a IT person and get it checked

Tips on fundraising a lot of money?

I'm going to work in Japan for a year beginning June 2012 and I need to raise �6000 by then. I'm struggling for suggestions and I have no clue which fundraiser raise the most money? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

Can anyone give me advice on how to study better for college?

I am starting my 2nd year at a community college this fall. I did not study the best last year, but my GPA is still a 3.4 and I don't want it to go back to a 2.0. I want to try to keep my grades to As and Bs this year and I need to learn to study harder. I am taking a history and gov. on the same days. On the other days I'm taking English Comp. and Math. English is my easiest subject, but I struggle in history. Can anyone give me advice on how to study well so I can pass my tests? Last year I failed most tests in history, because I think I was studying the wrong way and ended up dropping the class


please write me an original sonnet (anything thats unpublished) about something that you love.. it can be anything appropriate .. btw a sonnet is a poem with 14 lines, 10 syllables per line and rhymes. thank you!

What are your favorite animals and why?

Strangely I love the Honey Badger and Wasps both are true survivors, what are your favorite animals and why?

If you are petite, have you ever had any struggles with sex?

Hello i have had some problems. A penis about 6.5 inches or longer is uncomfortable for me. Am i the only one?

I have to write a sonnet for english?

My sonnet has to rhyme (which im not very good at) no obscence language. i have to read it infront of the class! i have to somehow pull in 3 charachters from romeo and julite, and/or to kill a mocking bird. 3 words per line. please dont write this for me, can you just give me some tips exampels, ect? greatly appreciated! thanks in advance(:

Anti-gay Christians, what is your opinion on hermaphrodites?

They can't be fully "straight"; they either have to choose their gender affiliation and orientation, or identify as a member of a "third sex". You people like to say that the Bible has ALL the answers for EVERY situation in life, but strangely enough, it is silent on the matter of intersex people. So I was wondering, in light of the recent "LGBT scare" (in your view), what do you think about these type of people?

Vet Question?? I found a doggy and need help?

I found a poodle at my door step a few months of her back legs seems to b dislocated or broken...we are a family of 6 on one income and struggling...we haven't had the money that is necesssry to have her checked by a vet....she seemed fine after we took her in and have been caring for her....but since we take her out during the day a few hrs...she got pregnant by the neighbors dog...what can we do..where can we take her to have her leg checked..we have had her for a few moths and fell in love with our "Lady"....we wanna keep 1 puppy and find good homes for the others....please help guide us in the right direction...thank u

Do I have Clinical Depression?

You may have depression due to the changes in your life, but you do not have clinical depression. Clinical depression is when you're depressed for years, it never goes away.

What should I do? Leave it , or sort it out ?

Ok . well i like a guy and i allowed my friend to tell him, he took it great since no girls really pay attention to him. we talk on msn but not really face to face because we're too 'shy'. but now things are going wrong .. the friend that i allowed to tell him that i like him, talks to him about me behind my back saying not nice things about me and now he's trying to avoid me although we were getting close. why do you think she's doing this ? she doesn't even like him and yet she saying things like 'when she talks about you, she over exaggerates her stories' < she tells my other friend what she says and Friend 'B' tells me all about it . i don't know what to do . is a lying friend better than a guy? or should i pick a date over a mate ? he looks at me strangely these days to , what can i say to him to tell him it's not true? its like she doesn't want us two to be together (not that we were).

My cat isn't acting like herself?

The non stop drinking and vomiting as well as the strange meowing are all signs that something isn't right. Call the vet and tell them all you have told us and tell them you want her rechecked. She might have eaten or drank something that is making her ill. The loss of balance is also a bad sign. Please don't wait to get her looked at and be very firm with your vet about finding the cause of all this.

Shakespeare sonnet 90?

I have to perform Shakespeare sonnet 90 in front of my whole class and I'm terrified to do so. I also have no props i had an idea of using a person as a prop cause in this sonnet it seems to me that he is having a conversation with someone but I'm not sure male or female. I need props, hand movement i could do, presentation tips, help with my fear and any other things u can help me with. Please help!

Should I quit my job?

stick with it . I was fired from my job and can't find stable work since. You may not like however it is better than being broke.

This boy in my school stares at me strangely. What does it mean?

When like the teacher is in class, he does nt pay attention 2 the teacher n stares at me. When in the stares, street. He stares every time. He does nt even stop when i give him i dont like or 'what' look. He does nt talk to most girls n is rude to th teachers. Yestarday, he asked me to assist him with book of all his friends. He never talked to me b4.

Why can i sing high notes so easily when i have a sore throat?

at times i can easily belt really high notes, and i can always sing in my whistle register range when i have a sore throat. i've read everywhere that people struggle with sore throats, why am i having the opposite effect?

Dog wanting to be on her own and acting strangely?

My dog is a 1 year old Chihuahua x Pug and is usually very energetic and loves attention off people. However within the past couple of days she has started sitting in the corner facing the wall, under beds and behind setees. She has been spayed and is eating/ drinking alright. What could be wrong with her?

Do you like this sonnet I wrote?

I have not used this structure before and it sounds nice. I should be trying this one out soon. “vainly” is suggestive of the Roman view of Ulysses or Odysseus. I don’t know what a Swigger is but the sound likewise gives a negative connotation perhaps describing the winey and flailing sea which the speaker, misunderstood, braves because of her beauty. Yes I like this poem…a lot.

Why won't my Nissan Frontier start?

It must be your computer, try to disconnect the batterie and leave it disconnected for like ten to fifteen minutes and then if thats the problem it should start, I have an 06 nissan maxima and same crap hapens to me when people accidently hit the car, or it could be your starter

I need help writing a sonnet!!!! Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee!!!!?

I need to write a sonnet about drawing and art!! It has to follow the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG and it has to have ten sylablesin each line! Pllleeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee I really need help!!!!

Can the company ask for declaration to work?

The agency that I am going to work for ask me for a written declaration to make a commitment for work during my University year are they eligible to ask for it? because i think they are not, I am signing the contract and I think that should be enough. And it's not fair because if I sign something like this I am not able to leave the work even if i just don't like the job or place or people working there, so for different reason than that the fact I might struggle to combine uni and work like they are thinking I might.